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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

99 cent store


Today I went to the 99 cents Store in Poway to look for some toys for my patients.  I try to get prizes that don't cost me a whole lot of money because money is tight and my hubbie reminds me that we now have  TWO children in college.  So with spirited determination, I head to the land of the cheapskate, myself included!  I'm sorry but some of "these people is WEIRD!"  Some are "eccentric" and some are just plain CHEAP!

  • I found a cheerful windsock that had "bee" decorations in bright colors.  As soon as I picked one up, I created a line!  All the people around me suddenly wanted to look at the wind socks.  Wha' happen!!! (ala Ricky Ricardo!)  Why you push me out the way?
  • Around the corner from that area, were the graduation decorations.  I guess I musta been really animated because all of a sudden, I generated a crowd!  Everyone wanted a 2012 sign!  (Wha' happen????? ala Desi Arnaz)
  • Meanwhile back at the ranch, my daughter had also entered the store and saw an older man with a half-blown lifeless helium balloon.  The man finds a young male employee and says, "Will you hold my balloon?"  The young man seems to be shocked, doesn't respond, but ends up holding the balloon until another employee tells him to tie it down to something.  SERIOUSLY, it wasn't going anywhere.
  • As we're checking out, a woman (#1) who had already purchased her items, sticks herself behind us and asks the woman (#2) behind us to purchase kleenex boxes for her.  In other words: let me ask a total stranger, who is next in line, to buy these things for me because I don't want to wait in line again and I need to impose on someone else.  SERIOUSLY? WHO Does THAT???
  • At a previous visit, the woman in front of me (about late 50's?) purchases one food item.  The woman hands the clerk a dollar and waits.  The clerk bags the item, then turns to begin my order.  The woman in front of me asks for her CHANGE!  The clerk, flushed with embarrassment, says, "The price is .99.9 cents or $1.00, there is no change".   So, the lady says "I want my change".   The clerk calls the manager, and we all have to wait; she can't open the register to get out the penny.  Then I say in a very loud voice:  "If you want a penny, I'll give you a penny."  The lady has daggers for eyes and says, "This store owes me 1 cent".   CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. This woman has to inconvenience everyone in line because "she wants her change".  
People, life is more than counting your pennies!  Count your blessings!

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